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Hong Kong Institute of Water and Sanitation Safety
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Workshop on Water Safety Plan in Hong Kong Building
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
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1. Overall how satisfied were you with this event?
5. More than expectation.
4. Very satisfied.
3. satisfied
2. Barely satisfied.
1. Not satisfied.
2. How informative did you find our event?
5. More than expectation.
4. Very informative.
3. Informative.
2. Barely informative.
1. Not informative.
3. How clear were the ideas and concepts we presented?
5. More than expectation.
4. Very clear.
3. Clear enough.
2. Barely clear.
1. Unclear.
4. Was the subject matter of this event at the right level?
5. At the right level.
4. Acceptable.
3. A bit simple or difficult.
2. Too simple or difficult.
1. Unacceptable.
5. How was the video and audio quality of the event?
5. Clear and smooth enough.
4. Generally clear and smooth.
3. Acceptable.
2. Relative low quality.
1. Bad quality.
6. Are there any topics you'd like to see in future events?
7. Do you have any other comments or feedback?
8. Title and Name to be printed on the CPD certificate (Eg. Ir Mr. CHAN Tai Man) <#>.
9. Address for receiving the CPD certificate <#>.
Note: <#> HK$50 per certificate should be paid by cheque as handling charge and mailing expenses